Friendly Telephone Visiting
Volunteers are needed to call home-bound individuals on a regular basis to visit and to ask if there are services that are needed. The volunteer then lets CAPECO Staff know of the need for follow up. **Delivery Driver for Home Delivered Meals
Volunteers are needed to transport and deliver meals to those individuals who are home-bound. Many times this is the only nutritious, balanced meal that an individual receives during the day. For some individuals this is the only time they have to talk with another person. Volunteers may receive reimbursement for mileage, if approved in advance. Money Management Services
Volunteers are needed to assist with filing, calling clients, reconciling bank statements, and bill paying services. Volunteers, depending on skill level, may be assigned one or two clients as a Representative Payee through the Oregon Money Management Program or through CAPECO’s regular Money Management Program. Volunteers selected for this position must have strong math and computer skills. Other Volunteer Opportunities
Senior Center - serving meals, dish washing, and clean up